Tuesday 20 October 2009


These two pictures are my best pictures taken out side of the front of SNC campus.the picture on the left is the original that it took with my pin hole camera it took 10 seconds for me to get the right light exposure, however i took a number of pictures before that all had either to much light or too little light exposure.the times that i went through where 15 seconds, 10 seconds and 5 seconds until i realised that it could be the top was letting light in. the picture on the right has been inverted on photo shop to take out the negative parts in the photo and to make it look more life like.

these pictures are of the atrium in side the college as you can see the light exposure was just enough, however this was the last picture i took of the atruim, the one before is below but as you can see their is too much light exposure so it is very dark as the shutter was up for too long. i took the first pic for 35 minuets but i took the second for 15 minuets and i was not sure how it would come out as i was near lights so their was a possibility of too much light.i then inverted the oringinals after scanning them to the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Your pinhole photographs are really interesting David - especially the shots in the atrium. More analysis and notes on the pinhole process, and the techniques you used to produce these images, would have made your blog post even more comprehensive.
