Tuesday 20 October 2009

Radio Production

Radio Jingles

Radio jingles are basically advertisements for different things or services available to people.

Radio shows contain jingles for a product such as “conservatories from SEH”, they also contain jingles for different shows on the station such as the “Chris moyels” show and they also can be used as a station ident so that people know which station they are listening to such as “heart fm”.

Radio jingles can also be used to advertise event’s that the station is doing but away from the studio or OB (outside booth), these events can be concerts or special one time events for example “radio 1`s big weekend”.

They can also be used to introduce a section of a show such as the news or a quiz.

When creating a jingle you have to think about two main points:
What is it for?
Who is it for?

For us to get an idea of how to do this we listened to two examples of jingles, the first was for radio one it was aimed at 13-25 and was to attract listeners, it was very techno and had sound effects also it was repetitive, bass`y and up beat. There was also a loud rhythm that was fast.
The second was for radio 2 it was aimed at an older generation of 25-60, it was upbeat long sing along and cheery.

Codes & conventions

Radio jingles

Speech has to be recognisable; sound effects have to be appropriate to the target audience. The music should recognisable/appropriate to the theme and must identify with the stations genre.

For a show promo- name of presenter
- idea of what the show is about
- time of the show is on and what frequency its on
- use high lights of who the presenters are


Produce 3 jingles-:
1) news
2) promotion for your show
3) station ident for SNC radio

Script ideas

News- “SNC radio news is live in 5,4,3,2,1” music in the background maybe the news intro for news 24 or something like it then the start of the news “this afternoon…”.

Show promo- “The David Howe show” (music mix) “SNC radio, the David Howe show” (music mix) “the latest music from the biggest college radio” fade out.

Station ident- “SNC live” said by different people with different parts of music song put underneath the track of people talking.

These where ideas and when producing these jingles I ended up not using all of these ideas as you will hear from the finished tracks…….



SNC ident

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